So United States is leading the coalition forces into Libya. Britain, France and Canada have fighter jets flying over Libya ensuring the "no-fly zone" is met by both rebel fighters and Gaddafi forces. The U.S however is in charge of launching Tomahawk cruise missiles to take out anti-aircraft installments around Libya. So far about ~110 missiles have been launched from submarines and warships along the coast.
But wait a second, wasn't it the U.S/France/Britain that are the reason Gaddafi is the man in charge? Actually, isn't it because of them, most of the middle east is in complete unrest?
Yes, indeed it was. Way back in 1919, and around there shorty after WWI, these nations decided to divvy up all the former territories of the Ottoman Empire (Middle East) because they knew of the economic possibilities that existed in this area. (OIL!!!!11) Now after choosing their favorite areas, they started installing their own leaders in the areas they took. Egypt got a nice British-installed king, Iran got a nice pro-British ruler, Iraq was involved too.
Now the Arab nations didn't exactly like this, so now we have a military coup in Egypt, which leads to Mubarak becoming ruler later on. Uprisings in Iran force the leader out and the imams become the supreme rulers. Today, Iran remains in control by the imams, and who could have guessed, they are violently anti-western. Iraq is then taken over by the Ba'ath part, which leads to Saddam Hussein becoming ruler, until the U.S came back and kicked him out.
The best part of it all though is that it was all done for oil, and none of the Western nations took a look at Saudi Arabia, simply because it was a sea of sand. Oops, they might of made a slight mistake on that one.
aplikasi slip gaji
5 years ago
It's disheartening that everything you've said is true.... *siigh*
interesting text.. i'll follow you
This is good ill follow you.
Deja Vu? But hey, you gotta realize that 1919 was almost 100 years ago.. nations and political agenda's change. I love the US, but we really have to sometimes mind our own business. We force ourselves into others business way to often. While I'm not saying let the oppressed under Gaddafi's rule, deal with it themselves, but launching missiles doesn't garner the greastest public opinion. But it was actually France who started off the barrage. as surprising as that is..And I have a problem with this notion that we pounce on them for oil. We don't control any of it. We've been in Iraq for years now and we don't own any refineries. If we did, we wouldn't be paying so much for the damn stuff
Yeah, the US is always "helping" themselves into other countries to strip them of any value >:(
Well they most likely do own the refineries. If they did, why would they make oil cheaper. The more expensive it is, the more money they make.
EVERYTHING, and EVERYTHING is done for money.
It is always about the oil. I have no idea why suddenly Norway too sends soldiers down there.
following, do the same for me pls
Interesting views, It makes me want to hear more.
shit just got real.
i honestly think it was a big mistake made by the united states!
Wasn't necessarily a big mistake. I just hope once Gaddafi is gone, the United States leaves, and lets Libya sort itself out. Staying and helping put people in power is going to influence MORE Islamic Extremism and cause the middle east to hate the westerners even more.
well its a nice movement from the NATO,UN and the allies forces against a mad dictator whos killing his own people,following &$upporting
The United States want to "help" the whole world...
Yes I agree footy, kill gaddafi and get the fuck out. Im hoping thats what they will do.
Its the Western worlds fault that Islamic Extremism exists, we created it back in the early 1900's.
No need to make them angrier some more.
This whole this is crazy. Nice blog though, check mine out.
1+ Follower
haha nice :P
Sad but true :(
Makes alot of sense.. they created the problems and now they look like heroes fixing them.
i really think the US needs to leave, now!
why do people still fight just for the god damn oil seriously +followed
It's all true... sadly. Followed, hopefully for less disheartening rants in the future. :)
great background on this, bro!
Good post. I really liked reading it.
its only because gaddafi is freaking crazy
You know, I started paying attention to this situation, but the Japan earthquake-tsunami-fallout thing kind of derailed me. Suddenly this all seems very boring. A bit cold and distant, perhaps, but yeah.
They're all vultures.. :(
The formula is simple: claim there's a problem, then do what you already wanted to do claiming that solves it. When what you've done causes another problem, wash, rinse, and repeat.
Nice man, glad to see people still have their eyes open
Fak Lybia!
crazy! following
It's not the first time either. My dad was at Libya 25 years ago when things got nasty. It's to the point where these countries would be better off if they were wiped off the map and new lines were drawn.
awesome, yet another area we can rape for resources. smh.
Always about the oil, sadly.
completely agree on your post
What a way to spend more money! just what we need!
I couldn't have said it any better "the wired".
It truly is a sad state of affairs.
I appreciate these sentiments dude. follow
This is being followd
mhm .. usa war nation
It is always about the oil. I have no idea why suddenly Norway too sends soldiers down there.
I had no idea about this. Amazing what you don't hear.
@FSU, yeah they don't exactly talk about this all the time. The information is there, they just don't broadcast it haha.
very interesting.
it just goes to show what a clusterfuck the world of today has become due to the greed and lack of foresight of the past.
the world is all kinda of fucked up now and i really have no idea how its all going to turn out
Here we come to save the day!!!
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