What To Expect

I decided to create this for the sole purpose of ranting. I needed somewhere to voice my opinions. Many of you will not agree with me, but i'm not here for you; i'm here for me. You can expect anything to be said here. If I have an opinion, I will most likely rant about it. This is my little home away from home. This is where I put my thoughts into words. You can also expect lots of grammer mistakes, and typing errors. I will do my best to look over what i am typing, but for the most part, I don't exactly care. I am not very old, therefore I am not very wise, so expect nothing magical and brilliant. Well, let this be the begining of my blog.

Make sure you follow! Also, comment with your opinions!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Silly Coalition Forces....

Now, I am all for removing Gaddafi and letting the Libyans elect a completely new government into power, but I think I noticed a slight mistake on the part of the coalition forces...

Rather then start bombing random targets to scare the Libyan military, wouldn't it of been much smarter to just kill Gaddafi WHILE they knew where he was?

It seems to me that this is playing out just like the war in Iraq began.. Now that they have scarred Gaddafi, god knows where the hell he is, and how deep a cave he is living in now.

Chances are it's going to take ground forces to try and find him. Oh right, that's how they had to do it in Iraq too.. Hopefully the opposition forces will track him down, or it may be like Bin Laden, and we never see him again.



Milksteak said...

He will dissapear somehow.

Sean said...

I never understood the difficulty of taking out these dictators. Get a fucking sniper, put them in a house somewhere far enough to get away, but close enough for a shot. Take him out while he gives a speech: DONE.

John said...

I sure hope they find the guy, he's gotta be in one of those 30,000,000 spiderholes in the desert.

FSU_Mark said...

Yea, but we probably didn't know where he was. A lot of the 'intel' we have is probably misleading, especially on guys like him.

Brett H. said...

@FSU, well he gave a SHIT ton of press conferences, etc. They new exactly where he was.

Now when he gives a speech, there is no video. Only a recorded message.

Anonymous said...

yeah i agree the same thing happened with Saddam Husein took us forever to find him

Oscar said...

We'll get him at some point.

Anonymous said...

I'm sick of this Libyan crap. Just nuke the bastards and subdivide it into other countries.

That or wipe out all the dictators followers and force an election.

Butcher Bradley said...

He can't run forever.

Brett H. said...

@Alex yeahh, they should just take out the dictators, to bad too many people would whine.

Zakk said...

I really like your blog, I'll be supportive and follow along :)

Patres said...

Probably will end up with the oil being taken from Libyan people 'to repay for the efforts of the alliance'

supermushroomcloud said...

the thing that amazes me is that Gaddafi has these civilian followers who act as human shields. what makes people that stupid!?

BeefyWellington said...

It's kind of a strange position UN forces find themselves in. "We will help the Libyan people, but we can't do too much or the revolution will feel cheated out of victory."
I guess that much be what they're thinking..


Fix PC Games Admin said...

he is such a weird guy

Mayhem said...

Completely agree, just get him while you can!

Kyle said...

Very NICE!

Antiquated said...

They all disappear.

cactusbin said...

Oh how very silly..

Anonymous said...

Well you have a point I suppose. I never used to really take any notice of this sort of news but I can't help but take but read all about this event. Maybe it'll work, maybe not. The thing is, once the UN has done their job of getting rid of the Gadaffi power, how the hell is the country going to sort itself out?

Greg said...

Probably wont find him...

Brett H. said...

@80k, it will be difficult, but there are opposition parties. Much like Democrats/Republicans and Conservatives/Liberals. They are just too scarred to show themselves right now in Libya.

Berserker9570 said...

I see this turning out like Osama, fast

Anonymous said...

Yea, i believe we should try to put a stop to it as soon as possible instead of having another manhunt.

TheLanderson27 said...

I dont understand how the people in charge of our countries can fuck things up this bad.

Lexingtonian said...

You can't exactly just kill a world leader just because you don't like the way he runs his country. Then who are the bad guys?

Brett H. said...

@Lex, they should have bombed him when they started the attacks, rather then bomb random places to just scare him off.

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