Well, i'm home from work, and it's midnight, and i just saw the little "Backpacking Australia" folder on my desktop of the computer. Now I'm VERY excited; actually, I get excited each time I see it now. It's true, my dream is slowly but surely becoming a FUCKING reality. Heck yes. It will be a 5-6 month journey that takes me from Melbourne all the way around and back to Canberra. I'm think more 5 months; 4 months in Australia, and 1 month in New Zealand. And I decided to actually attempt to get fit for this trip. Don't call me a loser for this, its just a little motivation.
Now I'm going to the bar.
aplikasi slip gaji
5 years ago
`now I`m going to the bar`HAHA isn`t that the opposite of getting fit?
I suppose it is, hahaha
This is wonderful posting. Thank you.
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