What To Expect

I decided to create this for the sole purpose of ranting. I needed somewhere to voice my opinions. Many of you will not agree with me, but i'm not here for you; i'm here for me. You can expect anything to be said here. If I have an opinion, I will most likely rant about it. This is my little home away from home. This is where I put my thoughts into words. You can also expect lots of grammer mistakes, and typing errors. I will do my best to look over what i am typing, but for the most part, I don't exactly care. I am not very old, therefore I am not very wise, so expect nothing magical and brilliant. Well, let this be the begining of my blog.

Make sure you follow! Also, comment with your opinions!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

More Wallpapers (Dual Monitors)

Few more panorama's I took while in Churchill, Manitoba. Sadly don't have any with Polar Bears in them. Also took the same one I made a post about not so long ago, but added a little "vibrance" to it. Actually added some to each of these photos.

Go ahead and use them, share them, edit them, whatever. Just try and remember to give me credit for them, haha. I know they aren't professional, but I thought I should share them anyways.

(Sizes aren't perfect, as I originally did not take them for wallpaper use so edit as needed)

(EDIT: It seems ImageShack downsized all the full sized photos since I first posted. I will try to fix this asap)

Panorama 1 (5000x2224) Preview:

Download: ImageShack Panorama 1

Panorama 2 (7000x2421) Preview:

Download: ImageShack Panorama 2

Panorama 3 (6000x2270) Preview:

Download: ImageShack Panorama 3

Panorama 4 (7000x2266) Preview:

Download: ImageShack Panorama 4

Friday, March 25, 2011

Neutron Beams, oh shit.

Tokyo Electric Power Company has stated that they have observed 13 neutron beams. The beams had a low radioactive rating though, meaning they weren't particularly dangerous.

Typically you will see a neutron beam when fission is occurring, but TYPICALLY fission only occurs inside the protective core. So this could potentially mean fission is occurring outside of the core, meaning that the core could be breached.

Also, this was happening at Reactor 2 I believe. Now I've heard Reactor 1 as well. So its one of those ones.This could mean uranium and plutonium are going through nuclear fission OUTSIDE of the containment core.

I sure hope that's not the reason, because if it is, Bill Nye is right, cement these reactors in NOW.

Don't get to worried though, so far its all speculation.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

BP Still Doing What They Do Best....

Thousands of people who were hired to help clean up the Gulf Oil Spill are now becoming severely ill and or dieing. Lots of them are suffering from severe neurological damage. BP is denying all claims that it is their fault, or that the reason these people are getting sick is due to the oil spill.

One female, Jennifer Rexford is documenting her health as is degrades over time.

One of the videos:

Her channel: JMRexford

Guess it's just a typical oil company. Does not surprise me. How do all you feel about stuff like this?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Silly Coalition Forces....

Now, I am all for removing Gaddafi and letting the Libyans elect a completely new government into power, but I think I noticed a slight mistake on the part of the coalition forces...

Rather then start bombing random targets to scare the Libyan military, wouldn't it of been much smarter to just kill Gaddafi WHILE they knew where he was?

It seems to me that this is playing out just like the war in Iraq began.. Now that they have scarred Gaddafi, god knows where the hell he is, and how deep a cave he is living in now.

Chances are it's going to take ground forces to try and find him. Oh right, that's how they had to do it in Iraq too.. Hopefully the opposition forces will track him down, or it may be like Bin Laden, and we never see him again.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

United States Helping Libya Again... Wait a Second

So United States is leading the coalition forces into Libya. Britain, France and Canada have fighter jets flying over Libya ensuring the "no-fly zone" is met by both rebel fighters and Gaddafi forces. The U.S however is in charge of launching Tomahawk cruise missiles to take out anti-aircraft installments around Libya. So far about ~110 missiles have been launched from submarines and warships along the coast.

But wait a second, wasn't it the U.S/France/Britain that are the reason Gaddafi is the man in charge? Actually, isn't it because of them, most of the middle east is in complete unrest?

Yes, indeed it was. Way back in 1919, and around there shorty after WWI, these nations decided to divvy up all the former territories of the Ottoman Empire (Middle East) because they knew of the economic possibilities that existed in this area. (OIL!!!!11) Now after choosing their favorite areas, they started installing their own leaders in the areas they took. Egypt got a nice British-installed king, Iran got a nice pro-British ruler, Iraq was involved too.

Now the Arab nations didn't exactly like this, so now we have a military coup in Egypt, which leads to Mubarak becoming ruler later on. Uprisings in Iran force the leader out and the imams become the supreme rulers. Today, Iran remains in control by the imams, and who could have guessed, they are violently anti-western. Iraq is then taken over by the Ba'ath part, which leads to Saddam Hussein becoming ruler, until the U.S came back and kicked him out.

The best part of it all though is that it was all done for oil, and none of the Western nations took a look at Saudi Arabia, simply because it was a sea of sand. Oops, they might of made a slight mistake on that one.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Canada and the Nuclear Issues

So, watching CBC for some reason (yet to figure out why) and they are reading off some warnings from the Canadian government for all the Canadian citizens in Japan. There is no advisory letting people know that leaving the country would be safest, because apparently Canada's data doesn't show the Nuclear situation as that dangerous yet.

Hurr to the durr, way to be Government of Canada. Obviously its not that dangerous yet, every country on planet Earth agrees with that and understands it. That's not the reason other countries are evacuating their citizens. Its due to the fact that this could potentially turn into a severe Nuclear crisis and its best to be a good distance from Japan.

(By "obviously its not that dangerous yet", i'm comparing the current Nuclear situation to what it COULD become. Obviously it is dangerous, but not near as bad as it could get)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dual Monitor Desktop?

Need a wallpaper for it? (Preview below, full image in link provided)

Feel free to use this panorama I took while up in Churchill, Northern Manitoba, Canada.

Full sized image can be found here: ImageShack Churchill Panorama

(9000 x 2913 px - Edit size as needed)

Nuclear Disaster, and the Media

So i'm from Canada eh, and we don't exactly have the finest news establishments here, well in my eyes anyways. Well either that, or my cable sucks. With this, I usually stick to watching CNN to get the important international news.

While watching reports from Japan, I couldn't help but get annoyed that they were live for a few hours of the day, and the rest of the time it is just repeated over and over again.

Now the next big thing, was the stupidity of the reporters. They were all amazed when they found out radiation can be pushed around by the wind. Elliot Spitzer is on saying he only thought radiation was like gamma rays and x-rays and can only move in one direction!!!!11 How can the wind move the radiation around!!!??? Then the meteorologist and himself discuss how they just learned this yesterday.

Apparently these reporters forgot all about Chernobyl. They also forgot that certain elements such as Cesium, Uranium and Strontium give off toxic radiation.

I mean who could have known toxic radioactive elements used in nuclear reactors could be pushed around by the wind!

Fucking radiation, how does it work?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Everyone has forgotten about 2004?

I love watching the news, and of course the most popular story right now is the one taking place in Japan, after the 8.9 earthquake, and the intense tsunami that has hit the coast. It is extremely amazing to see the power of mother nature, but at the same time, saddening to see the loss of life, which is expected to have already surpassed 10,000.

With this though, I look back to 2004, when the Indian Ocean Tsunami hit Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and other places killed over 230,000 people.

Has everyone forgotten about this?

God vs Satan. lol

So I'm NOT a satanist, I just want to clear that up before I post.

Fairly funny image I found on the internet. A simple search on google will turn up the website I got it from. The image was actually put together from REAL collected stats.

24,634,205 kill streak for god. I can't even imagine how many spy planes and tactical nukes he has. He must be hacking.

"Religious Happenings"

I've been hearing so much about peoples prayers coming true. Apparently this proves god exists. I just want to clear this up, if one prayer out of millions, if not billions is answered, this does not, I repeat, DOES NOT prove god exists. I do believe miracles happen. Nothing magical, nothing god like, just simple, beautiful miracles.

"We are so thankful that out daughter has survived the cancerous tumor that has infested her body, we are so thankful to GOD for saving her life."

I hate to break the religious party thats going on here, but you should be thanking the doctors and nurses that saved your child's life. Enough of this religious bullshit being placed in everyday life. God gets too much recognition for doing nothing, while the real life heroes, who are saving lives on a daily basis get minimal recognition.

Now that was just a made up example, but i'm sure a simple google search will provide a mass amount of websites with people thanking god for all sorts of stuff, that other humans should have been thanked for.


Excellent, it's "sunshine week". Now the government can share their secrets with us, as they have for the past decade! Oh wait a minute, has that actually ever happened? I just love when the media throws around the term "government transparency" as if it actually exists.